Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Learning the hard way

I am a stubborn person.
I am someone who seeks to see it to believe it.
I am usually logical.
I am fairly smart so seldom wrong mistakes.

Yes, I am. That's the hardest thing to change when I AM is bigger than anything else in the World.
However my Lover, Jesus, does not want me to burden myself with I am.
HE IS, my savior and HE IS the ultimate release of I AM.

This, is one of the HARDEST way I had to learn when I found Christ.
Part of it is stubbornness that I am unwilling to let go of I AM.
Part, is I do not know how to. I spent my life in I AM and now? To totally go for a free fall?
How do I do it?

Jesus had gently lead me in to believing I can let go.
When I see that He is wiser, He is in ultimate control, He is powerful!
He (Who in the very nature of God) is able!

Let say you and your friend are in the mid of forest trekking.
Your friend is well trained in map reading and you... do not anything about the directions.
Who will you task to read the map and steer the direction?

If you answered, him. You aint too bad in realizing whats good for the situation.
If you say: I might try. Then its obvious, you do have some pride issue, my friend.

If you let him lead you, it will be a lot easier.

But HOW? I cannot even see Jesus. You must be joking!
Nope. Once you accepted Jesus, he is and always with you.
Holy spirit dwells in you will guide you. You will know you have a compass installed straight in your heart. Listen and be calm, at peace.
The compass will guide you in the direction, faster than you can even make the way out!

Listen for his voice and his guidance.
I spent a long time circling the same mountain! Yes, so I am the latter.
I was stubborn. However I know, as long I let go. He is here for me. Always and forever.

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